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Bilingual Glossary

Total304items , in15/16Pages
No 中文(Chinese) 英文(English)
281 經濟技術合作行動計畫 Ecotech Action Plan (EAP)
282 經濟合作暨發展組織 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
283 新巴塞爾資本協定 The New Basel Capital Accord
284 微小融資機構 Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs)
285 傳統產業 traditional industry
286 雲端運算推廣服務計畫 The Cloud Computing Promotion Program
287 雲端運算 cloud computing
288 集體行動計畫 Collective Action Plans (CAP)
289 進口 import
290 週轉金 working capital
291 貸款 loan
292 貿易暨投資委員會 Committee onTrade and Investment (CTI)
293 貿易暨投資自由化及便捷化 Trade and Investment Liberalization and Facilitation (TILF)
294 貿易推廣工作小組 Working Group on Trade Promotion (WGTP)
295 貿易相關之智慧財產權協定 Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Agreement (TRIPS)
296 貿易自由化 Trade Liberalization
297 觀光及運動休閒服務業 Tourism, Sporting & Recreational Services
298 觀光工作小組 Tourism Working Group (TWG)
299 體驗經濟 Experience Economy
300 競爭政策及解除管制小組 Competition Policy and Deregulation Group (CPDG)