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Bilingual Glossary

Total304items , in5/16Pages
No 中文(Chinese) 英文(English)
81 知識共享平台 knowledge-sharing platform
82 知識經濟 Knowledge-Based Economy (KBE)
83 知識管理 knowledge management (KM)
84 社區小企業 community small enterprise
85 社會安全網 Social Safety Net (SSN)
86 社會安全網能力建構網絡 Social Safety Net Capacity Building Network (SSN CBN)
87 社會創新 social innovation
88 金書獎 Golden Book Awards
89 固定資產報酬率 return on fixed assets
90 固定資產週轉 turnover of fixed assets
91 性別聯絡人網絡 Gender Focal Point Network (GFPN)
92 服務貿易總協定 General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)
93 服務業發展綱領及行動方案 Guidelines and Action Plans for Service Industry Development
94 服務網絡 service network
95 東亞暨太平洋地區央行首長會議組織 Executives' Meeting of East Asia and Pacific Central Banks Group (EMEAP)
96 東南亞國協自由貿易協定 ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA)
97 東南亞國家協會 (東協) Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)
98 法規沙盒 Regulatory sandbox
99 技術能力 technical capability
100 投資 investment